Monday, 5 September 2016

Watercolour Challenges

King William IV pub, Pimlico    
Determined to celebrate World Watercolour Month in a practical way, and finding myself visiting London for the first time in many , many moons, I dug out an old folding palette  and once there, dashed out to spend my last penny on some tube paints in my usual range of colours.  Really enjoyed the session, sitting outside the pub on a sunny day!

Beginning as part of a constant personal challenge to develop my work further, I was now beginning to enjoy the added discipline of drawing with a fountain pen, encouraged by Suhita Shirodkar  and Marc Taro Holmes  in their Craftsy classes!
I had hit on the idea of using a light grey ink in one of my fountain pens, particularly as this results in pencil-like lines, less insistent than black, and which I can add to or modify later with a different colour ink or paint.
I am now finding that I almost NEVER start drawing with a pencil when sketching, enjoying the added discipline of the pen and the ‘feel’ of the steel nib contacting the crisp surface of the paper!

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